What I use is Hoppe's Number 9 with a Precision Needle-Tip Applicator. If you use White Lithium Grease, get a tub of it and apply it sparingly with a toothpick. It gets *everywhere* and you don't want it on the switch contacts or discs! The same applies for Silicone based spray lubricants. White Lithium Grease works well, but if you use it, do *not* use the canned aerosol type. You should also lubricate the ball bearings of the rotary switch. Then apply a tiny drop of D100 to *each* contact on the wafer (the contacts are U shaped the edge of the metal disc slides between them as it rotates) and work the switch for a few minutes. The applicator will turn brown as it removes oxidation. Then apply D100 to a foam swab applicator (Swab-It brand works well for me *do not* use cotton applicators like Q-tips, they'll leave lint everywhere) and use it to gently scrub the metal discs on each wafer. After about 10 minutes, spray it off with 91% Iso, turn the switch some more, spray again and let it dry. Basically you just coat each wafer with it and keep turning the switch. For rotary switches, I use the D5 mix with the eye dropper. The alcohol will evaporate and leave some DeoxIT as a coating. Flush with 91% Iso, blow the switches out from behind with canned air and finally, give each switch a 0.1ml shot of the D5 mix operate each switch once or twice after injection to make sure both sides of both contacts are coated (if it's >=DPDT switch). After this, let it dry for about an hour, then operate the switches for a few minutes each this will break up any remaining oxidation. I use a 1ml syringe to inject the D/Iso mix into ganged push button switches from behind (inject some, operate switch, repeat) using about 0.2ml per switch. I also make up bottles of DeoxIT Gold and Shield the same way. Shake throughly! This ends up being a 5:95 mix, just like the spray cans.
#Best electrical contact cleaner iso
I add 1ml D100 and 19ml of 91% Iso Alcohol. Here's how: I use 20ml glass bottles with the droppers built into the cap. I don't buy that anymore, instead I get the glass bottles of D100 (which is 100% DeoxIT) with the brush applicator (like a fingernail polish bottle) and make my own D5.

#Best electrical contact cleaner plus
The DeoxIT in spray cans is basically 5% D100 and 95% Isopropanol Alcohol, plus aerosol this used to be called DeoxIT D5.